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What's new this month!

Class Registration 2025

Spark your child's love for Quran memorization with our captivating classes! Registrations for 2025 will be opening soon! Look out for our announcements via IG!

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LQK Grand Maulid!

Join us at our 2nd year of LQK Grand Maulid! It will be at Masjid Yusof Ishak and everyone is welcomed! Look out for our kids performances, syamaail booths, childminding and more! Join us in witnessing this event as we celebrate Maulid together!

Maulid Merch!

Whats new in LQK?

This month at LQK, we’re celebrating appreciation and love! It’s Teachers’ Day, a special time to thank our dedicated teachers for their incredible efforts in guiding our children. We're also excited as our little ones are busy preparing for their adorable performances at our grand Maulid celebration.

Find out more!

LQK Videos!

LQK Quranic Exercise!

Learn how Little Quran Kids memorise Surah Al - Qadr using kinesthetic techniques!

View Now!

LQK goes to Baitulmakdis!

Follow Ninda Faridah as she travels and explores baitulmaqdis with LQK!

View now!

LQK goes for Umrah!

Watch the adventures of 'Aqilah & Amna as they explore Makkah and Madinah!

View now!


What sets us apart is our Juz Amma memorization using kinesthetic techniques for kids aged 3-12!

Watch our LQK Alumni, 'Aqilah Syukairah, reciting Surah Al-Masad!

Testimonials for our Weekend Islamic Classes

Naurah comes home from each lesson telling us what she had learnt and what she enjoyed.
The seeds of love for the Quran that you've planted within her will grow and bloom in time to come, In sya Allah.
May Allah bless you for all your effort in teaching the kids Allah's words and may the Kalamullah in return, illuminate your lives 💗

Nur Nabilah

I can definitely vouch that inara enjoys her weekly madrasah classes. She would always ask questions about certain words she hears in class, eg. who is rasulullah? Good to know that she actually listens hehe, mashaAllah!

Roslinda Abdul Rahman

"Anisah's Quranic progress has been remarkable since joining Little Quran Kids! The kinesthetique techniques used are engaging and effective. Highly recommended!"


"Little Quran Kids has made Quranic learning fun and interactive for my daughter, Aisha. The enrichment-based approach has helped her memorize Juz Amma with ease. Terbaik!"


"As a parent, I'm thrilled with the progress my son, Iskandar, has made at Little Quran Kids. Their creative teaching techniques have made learning Juz Amma enjoyable and effective. Recommended!"


I enrolled my son for the weekend program. even though it was just once a week, but it does give huge impact on his life. He always said 'nak jumpa ustazah' and never did he not look forward to go to his class. May Allah give barakah and rahmah to all his asatizah and the directors of Little Quran Kids.

Syirulhuda Ahmad

MashaAllah superb job. may Allah gave you best reward. ameen.

Samiya Muneer

LQK Parents & Prodigies!

Let's hear what our LQK Parents have to say about their child's quranic journey with us!

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